
Showing posts from December, 2020

Educational Toys: Why Choice Is So Important!

Toys, you cannot ignore them this time of the year! Does it drive you a bit crazy? The letterbox is full of toy brochures, the television is working overtime with their toy commercials and your kids whine asking for toys. Yep, it's that time of year again. Toys are not bad. Everyone knows that it is actually good for the development of your child. But are ALL the toys good? And why is the choice so important for educational toys? What are Educational Toys? By educational toys we mean  to ys of which it has been developed with the function of promoting the development of children  .  Each child develops at his or her own pace and that is also very striking as a parent.  But don't worry because every child starts developing certain skills at different ages. Toys are an important factor in a child's life.  Not only does a child spend an enormous amount of time with it during childhood, but it also has a huge impact on a child's development.  Motor, social-emotional and lan